Anti-Bullying Policy
Feeling safe and supported
Members of all ages and abilities should feel safe, supported, and encouraged to take part in our activities. That is why we have a zero tolerance approach to bullying.
What is bullying?
Bullying includes behaviours such as name calling, teasing, pushing, hitting or excluding others. Bullying hurts people’s feelings and makes them feel sad and upset.
What do I do if I am being bullied?
Tell someone. You are not alone. In one of our sessions, you can tell a coach or any adult in a Vale of York uniform. You can also tell a parent or carer who can raise this with a member of our team. We will listen to you. We will help you. We will put a STOP to the behaviour.
What if I am a parent or carer of someone who is being bullied?
If you are worried about your child, please speak to any member of the coaching team or our welfare officers, Dave Pascoe and Sarah Senior. We are here to help.