It is nearly the end of December and time to open the door to a brand new year. But before we do, let’s look back on some of the Vale of York highlights from 2022 including our ‘Club of the Year’ award from England Athletics.

Our first day of Christmas takes us back to January. It’s cold, its damp, its wet, its muddy. Yep, it’s CROSS COUNTRY!
On the 29th January 2022, twelve Vale of York junior and senior members entered the Northern Athletics Cross Country Championships at Pontefract Park. This event is the biggest cross-country event in the north and it was great to see such a good representation from the team. Those of you that were there will remember that it was a very windy day – far too windy for the tents and the flags but on a more positive note, the results were impressive and Beverley brought some delicious homemade Brownies!
Team VOYAC were also guests in PECO Cross Country League and in January we were at West Park in Leeds for Race 4. PECO claim that this league is the most popular cross-country league in West Yorkshire and looking at some of the lovely locations, you can easily see why.
Some of you will shudder at the thought of Cross Country and at the very mention of it are taken back to those days at school when you were forced to trudge round the school field. PECO is not like that. It’s exciting, its inclusive; it will make you strong and it is perfect for keeping those winter blues at bay.
If you too would like to experience the joy of running at speed downhill then there is still time to join the team for the 22/23 season so do get in touch if you want to know more.
There really is nothing like it.

February can be difficult – the enthusiasm of your new year’s resolutions are beginning to wane, its dark, the days are still short and the joys of spring still seem so far away.
What February needs is an event.
On 27th February this year our senior team took to the streets of Pocklington for the popular Snake Lane 10 Mile Race. As the name suggests the course has a winding stretch that snakes its way through the East Yorkshire countryside at the foot of the Wolds. Eight of our members took part this year including Martin Nee and Neil Ryan who just the day before were part of the VOYAC PB club at Selby parkrun. The finishers hoodies were so popular a Facebook page exists just for photos of Snake Lane hoodies on tour. Hoodies have been seen all over the world. How far have you taken yours?
The race is back on in February next year but you must be quick if you want to secure a place. Pocklington Runners are releasing 45 more places tomorrow so if you fancy joining us there in February next year then pop on to their page for all the details.

Like Whitney Houston before us, here at Vale of York we believe the children are our future. We aim to teach them well and let them lead the way – especially when it comes to climbing trees, balancing on high ropes and swinging through a woodland wearing just a harness – “no, no, you go ahead darling, Mummy will be right behind you.”
On day three of our review of 2002 we go back to March, and as we remember our VOYAC day out to the Go Ape Adventure Park, we are all very glad to have two feet on the ground.
During the winter our children’s athletics sessions go indoors. There is long jump, triple jump, vertical jumps, and speed bounce. We also work on balance and last year there was a medball challenge. All the children really embraced the indoor training and everyone came away with a certificate of achievement. Our members Harry, Zyon, Matthew and Edward were also selected to represent North Yorkshire in the Inter-Counties Sportshall Athletics event which took place in Manchester on 26th March 2022.
The trip to Go Ape was a fun test of those newly developed athletic skills and because we were able to subsidise the event, it made it more affordable for all. And it wasn’t just the children that had fun. You don’t get the nickname GI Jane for just sitting in the car now do you Sally?
Vale of York Athletic Community offers athletic activities for all the family. If you are interested in learning more about what we can offer you and your little ones, then please do get in touch.

When you first start running it can feel really hard. Your legs feel heavy, you can’t control your breathing and you think that there is no way you will ever run a mile without stopping. It can often feel the same when you return to running after an injury. Or because you decided running wasn’t for you and you went off to try another hobby before realising that running is the best and it is for you, and you therefore must return to it at once – we’ve all been there don’t worry.
When it’s hard, running with other people really can help.
In April we launched ‘Run Like a Girl’, our FREE women’s only group that was available for beginner and improving runners. The development group met at Selby High School, a safe space for members to grow confidence in their running abilities before going out on to the road. The group was led by a qualified England Athletics Leader in Running Fitness and featured structured progression each week, for eight weeks.
‘Run Like A Girl’ supported over 30 runners during those eight weeks and the feedback about how the course made them feel was fantastic. A number of those runners have progressed further since then and some regularly take part in competitive events.
To celebrate their success, members of the development group entered the 5km ‘Pretty Muddy’ event in York. The event looked like a lot of fun and it was fantastic to see so many smiles in the photos. Well done to all the ‘Muddy Vales’ who took part 😊
The ‘Run Like a Girl’ course may have finished but our community run on a Tuesday still provides a safe and inclusive place for you to run with others. If you are interested in joining us please do get in touch and if it’s the mud that has caught your attention, then don’t worry, there is still time to sign up to cross country.

What did you do during your lunch break today?
A little scroll through Facebook, a quick TikTok catch up?
Or maybe you stayed sat at your laptop and worked through your lunch.
Did any of you go out for a walk?
Connecting with nature and being outdoors beats exercise in the gym and on day five we go back to May and to the launch of our green social prescribing programme, Move More Outdoors.
Move More Outdoors was an outdoor bootcamp style excercise programme that was fully funded by HEY Smile Foundation. The aim of the programme was to improve mental and physical health outcomes through a range of creative and engaging physical activities in a safe green outdoor space. And we did just that. There was tyre-pulling, dead bugs, kettlebell swings, burpees, burpees again and much, much more.
Thanks to the funding from HEY Smile Foundation we were able to offer those sessions free of charge to 96 of you between May and August. 96!! Amazing.
Those sunny evenings might seem so far away now but don’t let that stop you getting out and moving more outdoors when you can.
Remember. You WILL feel better after. 🫶

In religion and folklore, hell is a location in the afterlife in which evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering as eternal punishment after death. Dante had his own ideas of hell. For some the idea of hell is ASDA at Christmas with the A19, the highway to it, and for others – hell is an ultra-marathon.
On day 6 of our countdown to Christmas we go back to June, to Dalby Forest and to the Dalby Inferno and the 10 Circles of Suffering, an ultra-endurance event that was set to test only the brave.
Those who took on the challenge were invited to run loops of the 5km hilly course on the hour, every hour, for 10 hours. Those who managed to complete the first 9 laps gained entry to the tenth and final lap. The RACE.
Everyone that took part enjoyed a great weekend of camping, running and socialising and 183 of the 200 starting runners made it to the end. All the finishers received a medal but, as inclusive as these things are, there could still only be one winner.
*drum roll followed by dramatic pause*
“Tonight Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, your two thousand and twenty two Dalby Inferno winner, Dr Ian Martin” 👏🏻
Entries are open now for next year.

On day seven we return to July and to the hottest part of the summer. This was the month that saw the thermostat reach a sizzling 40.3c which was a record breaker and the UK’s highest ever recorded temperature 🥵. Hard to believe really as we wrap up in our hats and coats this week.
This new temperature record was not the only record broken in July.
On 10th July 2002, in Bramham near Leeds, Nicola Henderson took first place in the women’s 5k race, and smashed their course record in the process. It was the ladies day because at the same event, Emma Winter also took first place in the women’s 10k race. Both Nicola and Emma were coached via the Vale of York’s Athlete Development Programme and this double win was built on top of a winter of strength training and a summer of speed.
The extreme weather didn’t deter the team later in the month either when 18 Vale of York AC competitors entered the Golden Acre Relay at Golden Acre Park in Leeds. Our Team Manager Beverley got us in order and it was a great event for all the participating juniors and veterans.
That day was the ladies’ day again though and Emma and Nicola, joined by Sarah Weston, stormed round taking 3rd place in the Women’s Vets category.
Well done to everyone that took part and a special thank you to Emma who brought the endless supply of ice lollies to keep us all cool 😎

August. It’s a funny month – the time of the big summer holiday but also the time when everything starts to change. By the second half of the month the good weather is often behind us, the annual trip away in the caravan is done, the children are just THERE all the time, and we all start to comment on how dark its getting on an evening. We are nothing if not predictable and by mid august the cravings for the routine of the school year start to kick in.
One thing we can count on every week, even in the weeks of August, is parkrun 🌳
Parkrun is there every Saturday, but we all know that parkrun is only possible because of the lovely volunteers.
On August 19th the Vale of York Athletic Community members stepped into the majority of the volunteering roles for our Vale of York Selby parkrun takeover.
On the day the team raised £130 from the cake and bake sale and this money will be used to support the vision of bringing an athletics track to Selby.
As a team we have supported other events throughout the year including the local Junior parkrun, and in June, we provided athletic activities for 82 children at Selby Town Council’s annual fun day. And what fun it was too.
Vale of York, like parkrun, is built on volunteers and volunteering connects people, skills and good causes. We love it and if you want to join us there are lots of opportunities to get involved.
Please do contact us if you would like to know more.

The countdown to Christmas is flying by and Santa and his reindeer-led Sleigh will be here before we know it. Here at the Vale of York Athletic Community our own Sleigh comes out to play much earlier in September – September is the start of our winter programme, and the start of our indoor circuit training.
Circuit training gets your heart rate up and provides a full-body workout in a fun environment. We use lots of different equipment – kettlebells, slam balls, balance bars and, everyone’s favourite, the mighty sled. The sled push is a strength, power, and speed exercise that can increase speed, boost performance, and burn calories. Children love it, adults love it. Santa would definitely love it.
Circuits for all continues throughout the winter and runs in 12-week blocks. Thanks to funding from Selby Town Council and Selby District Council, the cost is just £40 for 12 weeks and it is available for everyone. Yes, even you. Our 5.30pm session is a family session with exercises adapted to ensure they are suitable for all ages and abilities, and the 6.30pm is for adults only, but again, suitable for all abilities. For those athletic members who want more, we have olympic plates and barbells to offer a more strength focused session.
If you are interested in joining us, our next block will be starting in January so keep an eye out on our page for more information. Reindeers and elves also welcome.

We have all heard of the Three Wise men of the Christmas Story – no nativity is complete without them presenting their gifts to baby Jesus, but have you heard about the Four Wise Men of the Vale of York Athletic Community?
On day 10 we go back to October and remember the Yorkshire Marathon.
Apparently only 1% of the population have run a marathon but if you are a runner, it actually feels like 99% of the people you know have run a marathon! Each marathon has its own story.
The Vale of York have had a lot of world major marathon success this year. Ian Martin finally broke the 3 hour barrier in Boston after 28 years of trying; Gary Oates collected his second major marathon star in Chicago, Steve Middup sailed around the sights of London, and in November Chris Green ran the New York Marathon raising an incredible £1,353 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association along the way.
But before New York, there was York.
On 16th October 2022, our wise men Chris Green, Steve Middup, Neil Darragh Ryan and Martin Nee all ran a marathon personal best at the Yorkshire Marathon. This didn’t happen because they saw a bright shining star in the sky and followed it, this happened because they were wise. Wise men know that the gift of a marathon pb comes with consistency, determination, preparation, and – importantly, a lot of hard work.
Our wise men therefore committed to a bespoke VOYAC training plan and took part in our senior endurance training sessions. Well done wise men.
At the Vale of York our team training sessions are coach led workouts set according to England Athletics endurance training and periodisation principles. This summer we trained on a 400 meter grass track at Selby High School and the grass helped the team to build strength as well as speed, endurance, efficiency, mobility and technique. Everything you need for a marathon PB!
All the team sessions are designed and delivered by a fully qualified England Athletics Coach and are completely free of charge as part of our Vale of York competitive membership.
Where do you want to be this time next year?
Get in touch if you want to know more about how we can help you get where you want to be. No goal too big or too small.

On day eleven we open the door to November. This is a special one.
On 28th November, Vale of York Athletic Community was awarded the 2022 Club of the Year at the England Athletics Yorkshire and Humberside regional volunteer awards evening in Darrington.
The club was recognised for our community-centred focus and the welcome we offer all athletes and runners regardless of age or ability.
Heidi Bradley, Club Support Manager at England Athletics said, “Vale of York has certainly made its mark in a short space of time. It has been my pleasure to support the club along the way and to help celebrate its achievements this week. We are all looking forward to what the team can deliver next.”
Thanks to help from local councils and charities, we have been able to ensure that our sessions are open to everyone. We have raised over £10,000 which has supported the purchase of equipment and allowed us to provide free athletic sessions to children from disadvantaged backgrounds and run a 20-week programme to help 100 inactive adults lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy physical activity.
We couldn’t do any of this without you.
Our members.
Our coaches.
Our volunteers.
The children, the adults, the parents, the bakers and the creators.
So a big thank you to all who have participated in our activities and events this year.
Thank you for supporting Vale of York Athletic Community, England Athletics Yorkshire and Humberside 2022 Club of the Year.
P.S. There is still time to sign up for cross country!

Marty McFly famously said “if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything”
December traditionally is the time to look back on the last year, but it’s also a time to look forward to the future and start thinking about what we hope to accomplish in next year.
Where do we see ourselves in 3, 6, 12 months’ time?
What are you going to put your mind to?
The Vale of York Athletic Community takes pride in our community focus. We won Yorkshire and Humber’s Club of the Year 2022 for our all-inclusive atmosphere where all ages, abilities and backgrounds are accepted and catered for equally.
Whatever your goal, you are part of our community and we will support you in any way we can. We run, but we also jump and throw, and strength train together.
On day twelve, we look back on our track and field journey which kicked off in June 2021 with our ‘Athletics 4 All’.
‘Athletics 4 All’ was our grassroots community-led athletics initiative with National Lottery funding provided by Selby Big Local. Monday evenings saw sixty-five children aged 6-16 take part in their first coached running, jumping, and throwing activities on the track and field at Selby High.
Naiomi Saunders, echoed the sentiments of many parents whose children took part. “Thanks to everyone for all their efforts. All the children came away buzzing.”
The track and field sessions included Athletic Foundations, FUNdamentals and at the same time, we ran our ‘Daley Thompson’s Decathalon’ for the seniors. Training continued indoors throughout the winter which led to this years long hot summer of success. New club records cemented and podium places taken.
This was just the start for us.
Vale of York Athletic Community has a vision to bring permanent track and field facilities to Selby town that will allow everyone in the community to enjoy athletics and be able to train safely under coached supervision.
Today, a planning application for those track and field facilities was submitted, moving us one step closer to realising our vision.
There is no present like the future and the future at VOYAC has just got a little bit more exciting.
Stick around. The best is yet to come.
🎶The stars of track and field, you are….🎶
That’s A Wrap
Over the last twelve days we have looked back over our year at the Vale of York Athletic Community – I hope you have enjoyed revisiting some of our 2022 highlights as much as we have. It certainly has been a year full of athletic adventures.
There is just one last thing to do….
The Vale of York Athletic Community’s Christmas Party takes place this Friday, the 16th December. Please do come and help us celebrate a great year.
We have lots of fun and games planned for the children’s party which takes place at The Final Whistle between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. I’ve heard a whisper that Santa Claus himself will be attending “SANTA!!”🎅🏻
And later, there is Karaoke for the seniors. Rumour has it our head coach Ian has been practicing for a big rendition of Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses so this is not to be missed.
Party time means it’s time to pull out your glad rags and get your glitter on, 🎵Let’s deck those halls, trim those trees and raise up cups of Christmas cheer! 🎵
P.S There is still time to sign up to cross country