safeguarding and welfare

Contact either Dave or Sarah if you have any concerns whatsoever about anyone in our community. You can also speak to any coach or leader at any session. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Vale of York and our Welfare Officers, Coaches and Leaders have all received appropriate training to help manage any concerns.

It takes courage to speak up but we are here to listen and support.

Dave Pascoe
Lead Welfare Officer (he/him)

Sarah Senior
Welfare Officer (she/her)


All our coaches are certified and licensed by England Athletics. They have up-to-date enhanced DBS checks and are fully qualified in their specialist areas of expertise.

Ian Martin
Endurance performance coach (he/him)

Karen Buck
Sprints performance coach (she/her)

Les Grant
Sprints, Jumps & Hurdles performance coach (he/him)

Beverley Horsfield
Athletics Coach Jumps (she/her)

Dave Pascoe
Athletics coach Throws (he/him)

Jenni Hadfield
Funetics Coach (she/her)


All our coaching assistant are certified and licensed by England Athletics. They have up-to-date enhanced DBS checks and are supervised by our coaches.

coaching assistant (he/him)

Amelia Griffiths
coaching assistant (she/her)

Harry Bromley
Coaching assistant (he/him)

Sarah Senior
Coaching Assistant (she/her)

Brad Plows
Coaching Assistant (he/him)

Dawn Bennett
Coaching Assistant (she/her)


All our athletics leaders are trained by England Athletics. They have up-to-date enhanced DBS checks and are supervised by our athletics coaches and coaching assistants.

Nate Johnson
Athletics Leader (he/him)

Donaldina Ryan
Athletics Leader (she/her)

Niamh Senior
Athletics Leader (she/her)


All our run leaders are certified and licensed by England Athletics. They have up-to-date enhanced DBS checks and are insured to lead run sessions for all ages 12+.

Steve Middup
Leader in Running Fitness (he/him)

Nicola Henderson Vale of York

Nicola Henderson
Leader in Running Fitness (she/her)

Chloe Norton-Lamb
Leader in Running Fitness (she/her)


Vale of York Athletic Community is a registered charity no. 1197044. Our trustees manage the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to ensure the charity meets its objectives as set out in our constitution.

Beverley Horsfield
Trustee (she/her)

Ian Martin
Trustee (he/him)

Neil Musgrove
Trustee (he/him)

Donaldina Ryan
Trustee (she/her)